Original Article: performancein.com
If you’ve got to see it to believe it, you’ve certainly got to see it to be influenced by it. Or at least that’s what advertisers assert in their continued quest for enhanced viewability.
Viewability is now a central metric across the industry, with the results of a study by Sublime Skinz and Theorem revealing that more than half (56%) of US agencies and publishers are already evaluating against viewable cost-per-thousand impressions (CPM) – a metric that ensures only viewable impressions are paid for. This year we expect to see the use of CPM becoming even more pervasive. But for this development to move the industry in a positive direction, viewability measurements need to evolve and improve. Existing viewability metrics are inherently flawed and – as awareness of its failings comes to the fore – 2017 will be a year of progression for this vital measurement.
So what are the current limitations of viewability and how is the metric set to change during the year ahead?….READ MORE at: Original Article: performancein.com