It wasn’t just the news of Trump and Brexit that dominated headlines in 2016 – adblocking also remained high on the news agenda after experiencing a roller-coaster year. Murmurs among the industry claimed that 2016 would represent a possible adblocking Armageddon, while the IAB’s CEO and President, Randall Rothenberg spewed the words of Adblock Plus (ABP) as “extortionists, internet killers, an unethical, immoral, mendacious coven of techie wannabes”.

But that wasn’t all. In August, an epic back-and-forth battle between ABP and Facebook kicked-off as we successfully circumvented each new update made by the social media giant to uphold the users’ rights of blocking ads on the desktop version of the site. And if that wasn’t enough, in late November we once again proved that adblocking is 100 per cent legal after a sixth court win, this time over German publisher, Spiegel Online.

With 2017 in full swing, all eyes will once again be darted at ad blockers. And as we prepare for the year ahead, there will be two very interesting trends likely to dominate the adblocking agenda: the mobile platform serving as the new battleground for adblocking, and also the triumph of ‘partial adblocking’…..READ MORE at: Original Article:

(Image: © Image Credit: Pinone Pantone / Shutterstock)