Duration Media is proud to provide you with this Digital Advertising Blog.

We provide premium web publishers with a world class business solution, that increases their digital ad inventory and revenues by 21 -100%, while the publisher proves to their advertisers that their ads have been delivered in a totally Brand Safe environment and are 100% Viewable, with a fully engaged user, for up to 30 seconds, rather than the industry standard of 50% in-view for one-second.

This will be accomplished through the development of  The 100% Viewable Premium Publisher Marketplace.

With a global presence in New York, London, Los Angeles and Miami and solid funding from experienced digital media investors, Duration Media has quickly established itself as The Leader in Providing Brand Safe, 100% Viewable Ad Inventory to benefit both buyers and sellers.


This Blog is a “one-stop” shop to establish a community of digital media executives with a mission to solve the problems of digital advertising.  Visit our blog every day for the best curated content, opinions, news and community, all focused on Digital Advertising.

Please let us know how we can make this Blog more useful for your daily life.