Digital advertising is the buzzword with brands and ad tech platforms building various performance metrics to engage customers through video ads and target purchase intent. With India being a key growth market in this space, it didn’t take much time for the News Corp-owned video ad tech company Unruly to launch here.

Unruly’s Vijay Kunduri talks to BrandWagon’s Chandni Mathur about the company’s plans for India and how the digital advertising landscape is changing. Excerpts:

What opportunities has Unruly identified in India and have you thus, customised your offerings?
We have been working in India remotely and were prepping ourselves for over a year before the launch. By 2018, APAC will overtake the US as the world’s largest ad market. It was estimated that $7.4 billion would be spent on digital advertising in India in 2016 and this will go up to $10 billion, so it’s a big market. But having said that, the challenge that we see is infrastructure. The market may be growing but it’s also fragmented…..READ MORE at: Original Article: