The growth of digital media has created tremendous opportunities for publishers to reach and monetize audiences across the web. However, the industry’s obsession with scale has brought challenges, such as platform vulnerability and not knowing their audience, leading publishers to rethink what it takes to thrive in an increasingly competitive battle for consumer attention and marketer wallets. In “Disruption by the Numbers”, we dive deep into the challenges, opportunities, and trends impacting digital publishers today.

When you pull back and look at Digital Media from a macro level, things are going great! Consumer usage continues to shift towards digital channels, with nearly half of all media consumption taking place online in 2017, and advertising spend continues to grow.

However, once you dig in, you quickly run into the wide variety of challenges the digital media ecosystem is facing.

While each of these challenges have their own nuances, the common issue between them is the issue of trust. Mark Pritchard, CMO of Proctor & Gamble, has been on a rampage over the last 18 months. He’s been on a tour for the last year talking about the challenges in the digital advertising ecosystem and it all really boils down to the lack of trust he has in this ecosystem.