Brewing giant AB InBev announced it is running a blockchain-based mobile ad campaign across a number of its leading brands, a collaboration with the mobile marketing company Kiip, according to news shared with Mobile Marketer. The companies claim this is the first blockchain-based mobile ad campaign.

  • The campaign is for the brands Budweiser, Bud Light, Michelob Ultra, Estrella Jalisco, Stella Artois and Bud Light Lime-a-Rita, and uses Kiip’s blockchain product, Single Ledger. Single Ledger lets businesses in the mobile ad sales chain view and audit campaign data directly. The technology intends to provide a clear reconciliation of campaign performance data, eliminating the potential for fraudulent reporting by third parties and ad servers.
  • Kiip founder and CEO Brian Wong will discuss the technology tomorrow, June 20, at the Cannes Lions advertising festival. He will be joined by Lucas Herscovici, AB InBev’s global marketing vice president of consumer connections, insights and innovation.

Kiip’s Single Ledger blockchain solution could help AB InBev ensure that its dollars are being spent on ads that establish meaningful connections with consumers at the times they’re most likely to engage with brands in the brewer’s portfolio. Blockchain has received most of its publicity from cryptocurrencies like bitcoin and Ethereum, but the technology promises to transform the way industries interact with customers and conduct transactions, including through digital advertising.

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