Posts tagged with: Viewability

  • Why Some Video Ad Units Are Prone to Fraud
Because video advertising and programmatic are rapidly growing , they’re attractive channels for hucksters. It’s virtually impossible to totally eliminate all fraud, but ad buyers can reduce their risk of being duped by understanding which specific ad units are particularly...
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At last month’s Programmatic Summit in Sydney, a panel tackled the topic of “Kill the metrics that don’t matter”. At one point, the moderator asked each participant to nominate the two metrics they would “kill”. One of the responses was...
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It’s common for marketers to talk up their willingness to pay more for the context and quality of ads now that chasing the cheapest media impressions is seen as a major faux pas in a transparency-obsessed industry. To balance the...
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  • Digital Advertising Vs Transparency: Round Two?
Fraud has always been a huge challenge for the ad tech ecosystem. The market has certain difficulties with it for its lack of transparency and control. Check the list of initiatives that help increase the level of transparency and neutralize...
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Google also said it is alpha testing an expansion of Exchange Bidding to new ad formats like video and buying methods like programmatic. It expects to release a beta version of those features in a few months. Google also introduced...
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Integral Ad Science (IAS) has unveiled a first-to-market technology solution that helps programmatic advertisers target mobile in-app ads that are brand safe, free of fraud and have a viewability goal. The tool is already integrated into the trading process on...
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  • 3 Ways to Stop Wasting Money on Ads No One Sees
When Marc Pritchard uses choice language to call out the advertising industry, it listens. As chief brand officer of Procter & Gamble, Pritchard manages a significant share of the global advertising budget—which is expected to hit $600 billion by 2021—and...
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  • Google Chrome's Ad Blocker: Friend or Foe of Online Advertising?
Google launched its Chrome native ad blocker on Feb. 15 to a mix of fanfare and concern.   The blocker is based on standards set by the Coalition for Better Ads (CBA), of which Google is a founding member, aimed...
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  • The pendulum swings: Balancing transparency with efficiency and ROI
The issue of transparency has taken center stage in the ad tech world, and for good reason. For too long, the industry has seriously lacked it. Advertisers have led the charge by cutting spending to entities that refuse to shine...
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The Lumascape is about to get its close-up, but it’s far from ready. Facebook’s crisis over Russian propaganda ads and misuse of people’s data has made increasingly clear the role of data and tech in people’s lives. That’s about to...
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