Younger consumers are likely to be one of the hardest groups to market to, with shorter attention spans and a higher propensity to avoid advertising, according to a new report.

Generation Z – or those aged 16 to 19 – demand humorous commercials, like to co-create with brands and want to watch videos that are less than 10 seconds long, according to Kantar Millward Brown’s AdReaction: Engaging Gen X, Y and Z, study, which interviewed nearly 24,000 people aged 16 to 49 in 39 countries.

Most challenging of all, they are most likely to physically avoid ads, with 69 percent doing so, versus a global figure of 50 percent.

To reach them, brands would do best to use humor, rather than celebrities, in their advertising. Gen Z is three times more likely to be receptive to funny advertising, and they also want music and a good story to feature.

When it comes to blocking digital advertising, Gen Z is “more adept” at downloading ad blocking software in the U.S., according to the report. Ad blocking is an increasing problem for brands, with 309 million people doing so on the mobile web alone, according to statistics from PageFair released in May 2016…..READ MORE at: Original Article: