Posts tagged with: Viewability

  • Does the uncovering of Methbot fraud spotlight a glitch in the industry’s ability to self-govern?
Original Article: The federal action the only way to tackle ad fraud The ad industry’s ability to self-govern has been pulled into question after the uncovering of a global fraud operation, allegedly the biggest ad fraud in history, was...
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Original Article: The digital ad space will continue to grow and prosper in 2017, but certain risks. There will be more opportunities for ad placements within mobile apps and mobile messaging programs, but at the same time fake ad...
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Original Article: With digital advertising on track to comprise the lion’s share of advertising dollars, programmatic advertising will continue to gain prominence in the digital media-buying space. Here are six digital media buying trends to expect in 2017. 1....
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Original Article: If 2016 is any indication for 2017, it will be the year of the customer experience. Jamie Anderson, Senior Vice President & CMO at SAP Hybris explains how with the surge of new technology and, with it,...
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Original Article: Last Saturday, as the New England Patriots were sloppily beating the Houston Texans 34–16 in a playoff game, I wanted to look at the highlight video of a play using the NFL app on my iPad. To...
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  • The End Is Not Nigh for Digital Advertising
Original Article: Last June, a major revenue guy from Medium spoke at AdMonsters’ Ops conference , laying out a fascinating native advertising model transacted on a time-spent basis. It was a bold plan that sparked a great deal of...
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  • 40% of Marketers Say They Plan Facebook Audits
Original Article: Marketers might be voting with their wallets in 2017, as faulty Facebook metrics , fake news , a pervasive ad fraud problem and poor transparency in the ad tech ecosystem has 50% of advertisers saying they won’t...
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Original Article: DAVOS — Publicis Groupe CEO Maurice Levy believes that rampant digital ad fraud can only be curbed by bringing in third-party verification of digital metrics. Levy made the comments at a CNBC marketing panel in Davos today,...
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  • Programmatic Native Ads Are Growing—But Banner Habit Is Hard to Break
Original Article: Companies like TripleLift are running ‘programmatic native’ ads for brands such as Neiman Marcus Every other day it seems that a new online publisher is promising to reinvent digital advertising , amid cries from industry luminaries that...
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Original Article: DashBid has announced the release of DBeX Engagement Spectrum, which will power its DashBid Exchange (DBeX) and give advertisers the ability to buy “engagement metrics beyond impression, viewability, and demographics.” The new feature, available in Q1 2017,...
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